Sunday, December 16, 2012

About the Chapters Covered and Authors of Those Chapters

The Two Chapters Discussed and Their Authors:

The first of the two chapters discussed in this book review essay is "The Evolution of Large Technological Systems" by the historian of science Thomas P. Hughes. 

                                                                 Thomas P. Hughes

Hughes is a professor of history and sociology of science at the University of Pennsylvania.

Hughes's chapter was chosen for this essay because it was the chapter that had the most to do with the history of technology and uses many examples from the history of technology and science to prove his points. 

The second chapter that is focused on in this essay is "Technology and Heterogeneous Engineering: The Case of Portuguese Expansion" by John Law. 

Law is a professor of sociology at the Open University.

Law's chapter was chosen because it discusses in detail Hughes's concept of technological systems and applies them to Law's chapter to prove the points he is trying to convey.  Also his main example to prove his point, the Portuguese sailing technology, is very historical, and uses much history from this topic to prove his points.

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